We all know how important work life balance is for us but it is a consistent challenge for leaders to achieve. Recent findings in a survey conducted by Forbes confirmed leadership burnout levels were at an all time high.
The constant emails dropping 📧 in or the pinging of IM’s on Teams overlayed on top of back to back meetings and admin. It seems a far distant memory of the days where you shut down your laptop and you were out of the office until your return to work 💻.
Hybrid working means its difficult to disconnect and distance yourself from work and our phones are constantly out and about with us.
As leaders, it can feel like there is no switch off button and you are constantly reacting to the demands of work regardless of where you are or what time it is.
I’m just going to check this email 📧!
🎄As the holiday season gets closer, it’s important as a leader of people to relax and recharge. We feel that we are being productive by logging on and checking emails but it will have an impact on your well being and it can leave your team feeling that you don’t trust them and maybe this is the behaviour they need to follow when they are on leave.
I dedicate a whole section to💡 Energy within my 90 day high performance coaching because we do not operate effectively if our levels are low. Our goal in the session is to understand how much energy you have each day and how to amplify it to higher levels so that you have the vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve your goals and live a fully charged life.
Follow the link to learn High Performance Leadership strategies to help you recharge and enjoy the festive season🎄.Learn high performance strategies
 I Coach Managers aspiring to transform into self – assured leaders, enabling them to achieve exceptional results, have great impact and emerge as top-tier talent.
I truly believe everyone can get to where they want to be with belief, knowledge and encouragement because your talent shouldnt be overlooked and slip through the net.
It’s comforting to have someone to discuss ideas, share options, and talk things through. Whether you’re striving to lead a team or seeking personal growth, we all need a trusted confidant who we can share our struggles and concerns with.
Together, we can navigate any doubts, concerns and insecurities you may have. But it is important to understand that during these moments of vulnerability that having a coach by your side becomes invaluable.
Ive always been blessed with the knowledge that life is precious and I waste no time living my life with meaning, courage and being fearless. You deserve the same too.
When you are ready to work with me, follow the link to complete my High Performance Questionnaire to learn additional concepts and strategies.
Request your questionnaire here
I believe in you…..You’ll See.