I can’t go back to 2017 but I’m here for you in 2024

This photo was taken of me at a street party back in 2017. I was not aware it had being taken [clearly] but I will be forever grateful to the neighbour who was keen to share it with me.

I was a Project Manager at Vodafone and a single parent. I had no confidence, really poor daily habits and a lot of procrastination.

I struggled to get up in the mornings, always cutting it fine for getting into work. Everything was rushed and last minute. My work output wasn’t great. So it felt as if everything was spiralling.

I had a great manager who believed in me but I never told him that I was struggling and to be honest I didn’t know how much I was struggling because for years I didn’t know any difference. I had a gap in my leadership skill set and so many work situations would leave me lacking the confidence to manage my tasks.

I didn’t know Coaching was an option!

I was not aware of coaching as an option and I would default to a Counsellor.

It never occurred to me to work on my personal development. I started to research other options because counselling was not working for me in the long term.

I needed to know how to be confident in meetings. I wanted to understand how to influence my team or change. What I needed was someone to help me workout how to stay energised throughout the day and help me to take action rather than putting off sending emails or making a call.

I wanted to stop winging it!

I hit the Jackpot. It changed my Life.

I found it. My research led me to join High Performance Academy in San Diego, California. I learnt about daily habits, routines, taking action, resilience, tenacity, belief and so much more. Fast forward to today. ILM Coach, NLP Practitioner and now back from California once again as a High Performance Leadership Coach.

And here’s how I get results for my clients

Focus – what are their 3 biggest goals in your professional and personal life and how important are they to you.

Clarity – understand where they have strengths and gaps in the amount of clarity in their life right now

Energy: amplify Energy levels to have vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve their goals.

Courage: become confident and courageous in life, and stop holding back or backing down in situations.

Productivity: see how productive and effective in life and work, and provide a set of tools and concepts to help you quickly and easily improve those areas.

Influence: raise their level of action and influence in relationships and career.

Persuasion: formula for thinking through mediations, negotiations, requests of your family, and friends.

I love to hear my clients share their success.

They tell me how much they enjoy their one hour online coaching session with me and the worksheets they receive to accompany every session. How they spring out of bed in a morning with energy and vibrancy. Messages telling me how they bossed a meeting at work and they are starting to get recognition👏.

I’m beyond excited that the practical tools, concepts and techniques are making them stand out as top talent. Its incredible how their development has had a ripple effect in their personal lives too and how present they are with their families. AND how productive kicking procrastination out of the lives.

So is it a YES or YES for you. 👏🏆🌟

I can’t go back to 2017 but I’m here for you in 2024.

Book you strategy call with Liz.

Learn more about my Leadership Programme

I believe in you…..You’ll See.

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