Feedback in the Work Place

Feedback can be wounding!

I hesitated to share this, but the harshest feedback I’ve received was that I came across as inarticulate and boring. It was a real blow, leaving me feeling wounded, embarrassed, and filled with shame. I allowed it to affect my confidence.

It creates limiting beliefs

I sometimes feel as leaders we need to remember the impact feedback can have.

I’m sharing because feedback is important for our career progression but it can also hold us back.

It’s particularly relevant at this time of year when we are busy asking for feedback for our annual review or appraisal.

Poorly delivered feedback can show up in many ways at work:

❌ We start to withdraw due to lack of confidence and procrastinate.

❌ We stop participating or speaking up in meetings.

❌ We start to compare ourselves to others.

❌ We minimise our experience and knowledge.

My clients totally relate to these scenario’s and I’m sure you can too. 

We work together to remove limiting beliefs to gain perspective and control over their career and successes.

Clients gain skills, knowledge and a exceptional focus which means quick wins and results consistently.

Over the 90 days we move through my High Performance curriculum to look at strengths and areas for development that leads to getting indentified as a high performer who receives amazing feedback, promotion and financial reward.

 I love a challenge

There is something inside me that says, ‘I will show you‘ and it comes from years of being told I was middle of the road. I’ve learnt over the years to bounce back quickly, but how to do this is key.

It’s the ‘How To’, we all need. Practical strategies and techniques to help you move forward.

So how do you move forward?

Here are some of my high performance leadership techniques to help you overcome poor feedback and move forward towards your 2024 goals.

✅ Don’t take it personally. Look at feedback from a professional angle.

✅ Ask for more information. Don’t accept throw away comments. Look for specifics.

✅ Understand how your manager sees the way forward and do they recommend any training courses.

✅ Review the level of importance within your overall career plan. Will working on this feedback support you and your plan.

✅ Who else could you reach out to for support.

Managment shouldn’t be lonely, but an empowering role full of growth, accomplishment and achievement.

I believe everyone can get to where we want to be with belief, knowledge and support rather than hoping your efforts get recognised.

Watch my latest VLOG for more practical tips and techniques for your management development.

More practical tips and advice

I believe in you…..You’ll See.

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