Boss your meetings

Studies revealed workplace stress can be associated to business meetings.

We spend on average 16 to 21 hours per week in meetings and when I delved into the issues it revealed the frustration in meetings originate from a perceived lack of control.

Here are the top issues.

I didn’t have the required answers and information so it was deflating and it’s knocked my confidence’.

‘No one was listening to my point of view, so I sat back and stopped contributing’.

‘I don’t know as much as everyone else as they have more experience than I do.

‘I got grilled in my last session which left me feeling  frustrated and stupid’.

We are often left  feelings  judged, vulnerable with a fear of failing.

How do we get control back so we boss our meetings to a great outcome and a feeling of accomplishment. At high performance coaching we bring in new concepts and strategies to give you confidence to be your most courageous self.

We focus on clarity, productivity, courage, influence and energy which are the key pillars of any high performer.

Follow these approaches to have a great meeting

Prepare – gain clarity before the meeting and check what does the host need from you. Your host will appreciate you reaching out and therefore, you can attend with confidence, add value and increase productivity.

Honesty – Be your most courageous self because its impossible to have the answer to everything but you can take the questions away and find out more information. Have a standard response such as, ‘I’m not close to that information but I can look at sourcing the info’.

Comparison – Comparing yourself to others will drain your mental and physical energy so stay in your lane and focus on you. Everyone is different.

Prepare – gain clarity before the meeting and check what does the host need from you. Your host will appreciate you reaching out and therefore, you can attend with confidence, add value and increase productivity.ring yourself to others will drain your mental and physical energy so stay in your lane and focus on you. Everyone is different.

The results – Real life examples from my high performing clients.

Rebecca Project Manager – Manchester

I’ve removed my limiting belief that they know more than me and I now speak up and no my colleagues take on my suggestions and I have great influencing skills.

I’ve stopped comparing and bring in my most courageous self to all meetings.

Steve Senior Leader – Staffordshire

Doing the prep work prior to meetings means I now enter with a sense of confidence, effectively alleviating the pressure which has massively improved my productivity in these sessions.

I’ve found a new way of working that has taken the stress away and my meetings are meaningful and on point.

Liz Senior Leader – Staffs Moorlands

Nowadays,I only attend a meeting if I have clarity on the agenda as previously I would attend all meetings and walk in not really knowing what they need from me or sometimes I didn’t need to be in them.

My energy levels were low by the time I got home but now Im mindful of making good use of my time and only attend if I know what is required from me. I’ve learnt how to take control.which has led to a sense of accomplishment.

Anne Business Owner – Cheshire

I block out time and prep before I attend meetings. This has led to me being  able to contribute and make decisions there and then. By taking these simple steps I’m able to get control back of my day and don’t feel overwhelmed.

It’s comforting to have someone to discuss ideas, share options, and talk things through. Whether you’re striving to lead a team or seeking personal growth, we all need a trusted confidant who we can share our struggles and concerns with. 

Together, we can navigate any doubts, concerns and insecurities you may have. But it is important to understand that during these moments of vulnerability that having a coach by your side becomes invaluable.

Ive always been blessed with the knowledge that life is precious and I waste no time living my life with meaning, courage and being fearless. You deserve the same too.

Follow the link to complete my High Performance Questionnaire to learn additional concepts and strategies. Request your questionnaire here

I believe in you…..You’ll See.

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